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Treatment for Blood Clotting Disorders in NJ, CT, and MD

When people are injured or have a cut, the body typically heals itself by creating a blood clot. Blood clots consist of platelets and are formed through a process called coagulation. The body naturally breaks down these blood clots as it heals. However, those diagnosed with a blood clotting disorder cannot properly create or break down blood clots, causing the clots to form anywhere in the body. This can potentially block arteries and veins, making it harder for the body to carry blood away from and to the heart, brain, and other organs.

Regional Cancer Care Associates specializes in treating many blood clotting disorders, including phlebitis, thrombophilia, deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary embolisms. With more than 20 locations across New Jersey, Connecticut, Maryland, and the Washington, DC area, we can assist those with a blood clotting disorder with an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

We’re here for you. Call us at 844-346-7222 or

Causes of Blood Clotting Disorders

Many patients diagnosed with a blood clotting disorder have the condition from birth, inheriting it from one or both parents. Patients can also develop a blood clotting disorder following surgical procedures and as a result of certain medical conditions, medications, or situations, including:

  • Cancer/cancer treatment
  • Long airplane flights or car rides
  • Heart conditions
  • Obesity
  • Inactivity or immobility
  • Birth control pills
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Inflammatory bowel syndrome
  • HIV or AIDs
  • Diabetes
  • Pregnancy and birth
  • Smoking

Symptoms of a Blood Clotting Disorder

People with a blood clotting disorder are at increased risk of blood clots forming and moving to areas of the body where they can cause serious illness and even death. Once blood clots form in the blood vessels, they can travel to areas such as the kidneys, limbs, heart, brain, or lungs. Patients can experience varying symptoms depending on the location of the blood clot. For example:

  • If the clot is in the heart, patients may feel pain in their left arm and chest, shortness of breath, and sweating.
  • If the clot is in the abdomen, patients can have vomiting, abdominal pain, or nausea.
  • If the clot is in the brain, patients may experience headaches, difficulty speaking, weakness, vision issues, or seizures.
  • If the clot is in the leg or arm, patients may feel warmth, gradual or sudden pain, tenderness, or swelling in the affected limb
  • If the clot is in the lungs, patients may have an increased heart rate, shortness of breath, rapid breathing, or pain when breathing deeply.

Types of Blood Clotting Disorders

While hereditary hemochromatosis is the most common iron overload disorder, there are other forms of the condition, including:

  • Secondary: This form or iron overload disorder develops in the setting of other medical conditions, rather than being inherited. It often stems from conditions such as chronic liver disease or anemia.
  • Neonatal: This is a severe iron overload disorder that occurs in the womb. While babies grow, neonatal hemochromatosis causes rapid absorption of iron into the baby’s liver.

Obtaining a Diagnosis

Different clotting disorders alter blood clot production in varying ways. Some disorders cause the body to create too many blood clots, while others prevent them from forming. This second group, often termed bleeding disorders, includes hemophilia and Von Willebrand Disease. The most common types of blood clotting disorders include:

  • Phlebitis: This condition occurs when veins in the body become inflamed. Phlebitis typically occurs in the legs, but it can develop anywhere in the body. This disorder causes an overproduction of blood clots, clogging blood flow.
  • Thrombophilia: This occurs when the body produces excessive blood clots, which can form in any part of the body at any time. Thrombophilia can clog the blood vessels and prevent oxygen from reaching organs or tissues.
  • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT): This occurs when a blood clot is located in a deep vein, typically in the pelvis, lower legs, or thighs. When a blood clot forms in these areas, it can cause the vein to become blocked.
  • Pulmonary embolism: This disorder occurs when a blood clot forms in a deep vein and travels to the lungs. Not only does this prevent oxygen from reaching the lungs, it also affects other organs and is potentially life-threatening.

Diagnosing a Blood Clot Disorder

To properly diagnose a blood clot disorder, physicians consider the patient’s medical history and family medical history. This can determine if a patient is predisposed to a blood clotting disorder. After a thorough physical examination, physicians may order one or more of several tests, including:

  • Complete blood count (CBC)
  • Genetic tests
  • D-dimer test
  • Imaging techniques, including ultrasound, X-rays, or CT scans

Treating Blood Clotting Disorders at Regional Cancer Care Associates

The hematology physicians at Regional Cancer Care Associates have extensive experience in diagnosing and treating the full range of blood clotting disorders. The medical team provides care at more than 20 locations in New Jersey, Connecticut, Maryland, and the Washington, DC area. To learn more about our diagnosis and treatment process, contact us today.


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The field of cancer treatment is constantly improving and evolving. RCCA conducts hundreds of clinical trials that can help develop new therapies and treatment plans. LEARN MORE

Schedule an Appointment at Regional Cancer Care Associates

If you need near-term or ongoing care for anemia or another benign blood disorder, schedule an appointment at Regional Cancer Care Associates. Patients have access to a full range of services across New Jersey, Connecticut, Maryland, and the Washington, DC area, making it easy to find a location convenient for you. Contact us today to learn more about our benign hematology services.


Regional Cancer Care Associates is one of fewer than 200 medical practices in the country selected to participate in the Oncology Care Model (OCM); a recent Medicare initiative aimed at improving care coordination and access to and quality of care for Medicare beneficiaries undergoing chemotherapy treatment.